Brother Williams joned a while ago, but he is not on the blog yet. He is a Highway Porolmen and his car is the "Deconmobil". We always have fun rideing in it.The "Deconmobil" is are favorite car. WELCOME BROTHER WILLIAMS!!!!!
We went to the DI on Friday. We all had a good time, but there was more girls then boys. We lost this week!I hope more decons show up next time! Bother Thorpe showed up, aloung with Levi. Me and Levi cleaned the carts, while Brother Thorpe and Elijah picked up garbeg.
NA NA NA NA NA HAY HAY HAY GOODBEY!!! Elijah is gone! We are going to miss him. He always made us laugh. We always had a good time with him. WE'LL MISS YOU BUDDY!!!
The Space Balloon Project is well underway and drop testing of eggs was highly successful - no eggs were harmed in the participation of this activity. Teams Dingo, Ninja, and the Utes were all able to create a container using a box, masking tape, rubber bands, newspaper, a garbage bag, and some string to protect their eggs from a 15ft drop onto concrete.
Campout this weekend for all the scouts, varsitys, and ventures. Meeting at my house at 5:30pm. Make sure you bring cold weather gear! We'll be planning the menu this Wednesday so if you have any good ideas for food, bring them. During the campout we'll be finishing up the shotgun shooting merit badge (bring $5 to help offset the cost of ammo).
Scout camp is coming up it will be a backpacking trip to kings peak this saturday is a pack check u must have every ready in your pack and ready to turn in if you need a list of every thing u need contact Bro pierce