Thursday, November 19, 2009

space balloon egg drop

The Space Balloon Project is well underway and drop testing of eggs was highly successful - no eggs were harmed in the participation of this activity.  Teams Dingo, Ninja, and the Utes were all able to create a container using a box, masking tape, rubber bands, newspaper, a garbage bag, and some string to protect their eggs from a 15ft drop onto concrete.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Campout this weekend!

Campout this weekend for all the scouts, varsitys, and ventures. Meeting at my house at 5:30pm. Make sure you bring cold weather gear! We'll be planning the menu this Wednesday so if you have any good ideas for food, bring them. During the campout we'll be finishing up the shotgun shooting merit badge (bring $5 to help offset the cost of ammo).

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Scout camp coming up

Scout camp is coming up it will be a backpacking trip to kings peak this saturday is a pack check u must have every ready in your pack and ready to turn in if you need a list of every thing u need contact Bro pierce

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Court of Honor 3/17

11 yr old Scouts doing "Goldilocks and the three bears" skit

Trace pinning his mother with his award pins.

Alex pinning his mother with his awards.

The Bishopric presented the following Scouts with the "On My Honor" Award: Tyler, Jaret, Chris, Chase, and Bryant. This award is given to those Scouts that have earned at least the Star Rank and have finished the Deacon, Teacher or Priest Duty to God requirements.

Congratulations to all of the Scouts who received awards. I will make sure next Court of Honor that we have a full battery to be able to get pictures of everyone. Thanks to all of the leaders that participated and made a great Court of Honor.

Brother Wilson

Campout March 27th & 28th

Here are some pictures and video from our last camp-out on March 27th and 28th.

Garrett, Alex and Jackson cutting kindling for the morning fire.

This is the "Stump Challenge." Brother Pierce challenged the Scouts to be able to get all 5 of them on the stump at the same time. They were very close several times, but couldn't quite figure it out.

Here is some video of Jackson and Alex having a bowline tying contest. Jackson was winning until he got his hand caught in his jacket. So he and Alex ended up in a tie.

Scott used his knot tying skills to make a swing for himself.

What camp-out would be complete without a food shot? Here is Garret with six Lil' Smokies on one fork. Good thing he didn't stick them all in his mouth at the same time, or we might have had to practice our First Aid skills.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

upcoming campout

There will be a camp out on March 27-28.

Train museum

Here is a picture from the train museum

Friday, March 6, 2009

troop logo

heres our logo for are new uniform we made

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Feb. campout

we did a orienteering compass course we went down in the desert had a lot of fun we were by a railroad with trains that kept us up all night we did some cooking and made camp fires.


Saturday March 7 7:30am meet at brother Pierce's to go to the railroad museum